(Test - MOCK (F) - 10th - Maths [Arithmetic Progression I, Arithmetic Progression II])
SubjectTopic(s) coveredConcept(s) covered
Maths Series 1. Find The Value of Common Difference when Nth Term, Number of Terms and First Term are Given, 2. Find The Value of First Term when Nth Term, Number of Terms and Common Difference are Given, 3. Find The Value of Nth Term when Common Difference, Number of Terms and First Term are Given, 4. Finding The Value of N When Nth Term and AP is Given, 5. First Term and Common Difference of an AP, 6. General Term Of an AP, 7. Meaning of Arithmetic Progression, 8. Nth Term of AP, 9. Finding AP When Two Nth Terms Are Given, 10. Find Common Difference when First Term, Number of Terms and Sum of N Terms is Given, 11. Find First Term when Common Difference, Number of Terms and Sum of N Terms is given, 12. Find Last Term When First Term, Number of Terms and Sum of N Terms is Given, 13. Find Number of Terms When Sum of N Terms, First Term and Common Difference are Given, 14. Find Sum of N Terms When A.P. and Last Term is Given, 15. Find Sum of N Terms When Number of terms and Last Term is Given, 16. Find The Value of Last Term when Sum of N Terms, Number of Terms and First Term are Given, 17. Sum of N Terms When First Term, Last Term and Number of Terms are Given, 18. Sum of First n Terms of AP
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