Question ?
Whether student should think of NTSE?
Dear Reader,
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is the most prestigious Scholarship Exam conducted by National Council of Education and Training (NCERT) conducted in 10th Class. NTSE exam is conducted in two stages. First stage is conducted at State level and toppers of State are selected to appear for Second stage. Each State has a quota for selection based on the population and enrolment ratio of Xth graders. Now, the question is whether student should think of cracking NTSE ? My answer is --- YES.
Thinking of cracking NTSE is easy but to crack NTSE is very difficult. You can also realise the fact that the students who will crack NTSE in future are not different from you. Only difference is attitude, guidance and motivation being given to them from their parents, teachers and mentors. Now, you will ask a question that how To crack NTSE? Dear Reader, I feel that the student should have the habit of solving high level questions on daily basis and keep himself motivated. Only mantra to crack NTSE is to take proper guidance from your teachers and learn concepts instead of Rote Learning. Rote Learning can give you marks in the School but to crack NTSE, you need to know HOW, WHY, WHAT? These (HOW, WHY, WHAT?) must be coming into your mind but may be you are not able to get the right answer. Due to this, most of the Students cram (Rote Learn) topics instead of understanding. Consult your guiding force (mentor/teacher) or call me to get the answer for all your queries. I know that this is not an easy task, but this is also the fact that one cannot succeed without learning concepts and thinking differently. You know that :
Keep this mantra in mind. I understand that many new questions must be coming into your mind. Donot worry and start attempting good high-level questions on daily basis. You will feel yourself motivated and energetic when you will get answer to all your queries. Make a habit of understanding. This may be difficult for the time being but is 100% required to crack NTSE or any competition. After understaning concepts, you will feel yourself conceptually strong as you know much more than your classmates. So, Dear Student, think about it and start preparing for NTSE. Usually, NTSE does not ask questions from topics which you donot know. Subjects in NTSE are the same as in 10th Class besides one extra topic which is Reasoning. Other subjects are Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Democratic Politics and Geography. Go through the topics detail from internet and for any help, you can call me anytime.
Dear Reader, my personal aim is to give every student conceptual knowledge to give them confidence and courage to crack NTSE. Many students contacted me that they donot have time for NTSE preparation. This is not true. Make a proper Time Manegement plan. Time Management is to be learnt as soon as possible and to be applied whole heartedly. Donot take guidance from your friends. Usually, friends demotivate you that there is no need to think for NTSE and School education is sufficient. Please donot think what your friends are saying? So, aspirants should pull up their socks to start preparation to crack NTSE.
We at Abhyas, emphasize more on the need to design and provide well structured conceptual knowledge. With us, you become part of a powerful force that will propel your conceptual knowledge to crack future competitions like NTSE / JEE / PMT / NEET and others.
Mrs. Anu Sethi,
M.Sc. (Physics),
Head, Abhyas Academy, Ambala
Parent Question ?
What should they do to bring out best from their Child?
Dear Reader,
Many parents ask me a question that What should they do to bring out best for their child? To give the answer to this question, please read the following.
Most of the parents are of the view that their Child is too good and is doing well in School. When the child is in class upto 10th, we gave him instructions (knowingly or unknowingly) that you have to get above 95%-98% marks in School. When the student listens these instructions daily for years, he/she made up their mind to get high %age in School by any means whether he/she has to cram the topic. Now, the real story begins. The student started making efforts in support of his/her guiding force (parent / teacher / elder siblings / relatives) and put energy to get higher %age in School exams irrespective of the fact that whether the student understood the concept(s) or not. As there is so much peer pressure on the student, he/she may started Rote Learning. This is the easiest method for the student to score marks. Now, whether this is the right approach? I can definitely say - NO. We are not doing right for our child. If you will ask me, this should not be done. We, as a parent, should give our child such an environment where he/she should ask for queries and each topic is understood conceptualy and not by ROTE learning. To know the students hidden talent, we have to put him in the right place. For growth of child, the environment for Student should be focused on positivity, health, emotion and knowledge. The child development is affected by parents, culture, friends, school, physical activities, attitude, etc. It has been noticed that proper education pattern plays a major role in streamlining the various affects on child and to bring out best from child. Teacher can judge and guide parents too in overall development and goal formation of child depending upon the inclination of child. So, give your child conceptual knowledge as early as possible.
Mrs. Anu Sethi,
M.Sc. (Physics),
Head, Abhyas Academy, Ambala
Student Question ?
How to score high rank in NTSE / JEE / PMT / NEET ?
Dear Reader,
Every student has a dream to score high rank in NTSE / JEE / PMT / NEET. Cracking the exam needs one to have a very well-structured study strategy. It demands the students to be academically strong as well as have other skills like analytical skills, reasoning, time management, exam taking strategy, and situational intelligence. Aspirants should, thus, pull up their socks from Class 6th and start preparing in a serious manner.
A few points to remember:
- Never be over confident. Always consider what You really are.
- Work hard and be smart. Always believe in the fact that working hard makes you smarter.
- Keep trying. If you try solving a question and can not get the answer then try doing it by another method. Next time you will automatically solve that question.
- Do not depend on your luck. Keep on learning and learning.
- Always Learn from your past failures.
- Make short notes of every topic. This will help you to prepare better before the exam.
- Teach your friend if you can. It will make your concepts more clearer.
Abhyas Academy emphasize on the need to develop conceptual knowledge skills in the Students. With us, you will propel your conceptual knowledge to help you to crack NTSE (in Class 10th) and other competitions (after 10+2).
Mrs. Anu Sethi,
M.Sc. (Physics),
Head, Abhyas Academy, Ambala
Parent Question ?
What are the benefits of ABHYAS Methodology?
Dear Reader,
Parents generally ask a question that what are the benefits of ABHYAS methodology and whether they should plan to give education to their child in ABHYAS?
My answer to the question is for those parents is to think whether what they are doing for their child is the best or is there any scope of improvement? Parents generally are of the view that their child is doing good in the School and is getting good marks in Class Tests and Final Exams. My query to the parents is that whether they are sure that their child will also get the same result in competition exams also. Generally parents say NO. They are of the view that though their child is doing good in tests but is not conceptually strong to give answer to the typical or twisted questions. Now, here comes the real issue. We, as a parent, want that their child should do best in competition also but how? We, at ABHYAS, give clear picture to the parents of their child of Strong, Moderate and Weak Areas. Some parents may take in other way but we have to face it either today or when our child will appear for competitions in NTSE or after 10+2. The child will face problems in the future competitions if he/she is not conceptually strong enough. He/she should attempt typical/twisted questions on daily basis and should not say the line that "THIS IS NOT IN MY SYLLABUS". Every parent wants that their child should be able to solve all the questions but to make this habit in the students is a herculeous task. The teacher has to give conceptual knowledge to the student, generate conceptually strong test (not the simple one) and give Analytic Testing Analysis to the parent / student. We, at ABHYAS, try our level best to give typical and twisted questions to the Students on regular basis and gives them conceptual knowledge. I have noticed that maximum students are keen to learn concepts rather than Rote Learning, but for that proper guidance and motivation is required. The motivation can only be provided by the teacher / parent to make the child aware that he/she can also solve typical/twisted questions without cramming also. Once the student starts understanding, then life becomes easy and there are more chances that the student will do best in competition exams.
I think, now the parents must have received the answer to their query that why ABHYAS Methodology is the best for future competitions.
Mrs. Anu Sethi,
M.Sc. (Physics),
Head, Abhyas Academy, Ambala
Students / Parents Reviews [20]
I have spent a wonderful time in Abhyas academy. It has made my reasoning more apt, English more stronger and Maths an interesting subject for me. It has given me a habbit of self studying

Yatharthi Sharma
10thUsually we see institutes offering objective based learning which usually causes a lag behind in subjective examinations which is the pattern followed by schools. I think it is really a work of planning to make us students grab the advantages of modes of examination, Objective Subjective and Onli...

Anika Saxena
8thAbhyas is an institute of high repute. Yogansh has taken admission last year. It creates abilities in child to prepare for competitive exams. Students are motivated by living prizes on basis of performance in Abhyas exams. He is satisfied with institute.

Yogansh Nyasi
7thAbhyas academy is great place to learn. I have learnt a lot here they have finished my fear of not answering.It has created a habit of self studying in me.The teachers here are very supportive and helpful. Earlier my maths and science was good but now it has been much better than before.

Barkha Arora
10thAbhyas is a complete education Institute. Here extreme care is taken by teacher with the help of regular exam. Extra classes also conducted by the institute, if the student is weak.

Om Umang
10thIt was a good experience with Abhyas Academy. I even faced problems in starting but slowly and steadily overcomed. Especially reasoning classes helped me a lot.

10thIt has a great methodology. Students here can get analysis to their test quickly.We can learn easily through PPTs and the testing methods are good. We know that where we have to practice

Barkha Arora
10thWe started with lot of hope that Abhyas will help in better understnding of complex topics of highers classes. we are not disappointed with the progress our child has made after attending Abhyas. Though need to mention that we expected a lot more. On a scale of 1-10, we would give may be 7.

8thThird consective year,my ward is in Abhyas with nice experience of admin and transport support.Educational standard of the institute recumbent at satisfactory level. One thing would live to bring in notice that last year study books was distributed after half of the session was over,though study ...

Ayan Ghosh
8thAbhyas institute is one of the best coaching institute in the vicinity of Ambala cantt.The institute provides good and quality education to the students.The teachers are well experienced and are very helpful in solving the problems. The major advantages of the institute is extra classes for weak...

Shreya Shrivastava
8thThe experience was nice. I studied here for three years and saw a tremendous change in myself. I started liking subjects like English and SST which earlier I ran from. Extra knowledge gave me confidence to overcome competitive exams. One of the best institutes for secondary education.

Aman Kumar Shrivastava
10thAbout Abhyas metholodology the teachers are very nice and hardworking toward students.The Centre Head Mrs Anu Sethi is also a brilliant teacher.Abhyas has taught me how to overcome problems and has always taken my doubts and suppoeted me.

Shreya Shrivastava
8thIt was good as the experience because as we had come here we had been improved in a such envirnment created here.Extra is taught which is beneficial for future.

Eshan Arora
8thIn terms of methodology I want to say that institute provides expert guidence and results oriented monitering supplements by requsite study material along with regular tests which help the students to improve their education skills.The techniques of providing education helps the students to asses...

Aman Kumar Shrivastava
10thBeing a parent, I saw my daughter improvement in her studies by seeing a good result in all day to day compititive exam TMO, NSO, IEO etc and as well as studies. I have got a fruitful result from my daughter.

Prisha Gupta
8thAbhyas Methodology is very good. It is based on according to student and each child manages accordingly to its properly. Methodology has improved the abilities of students to shine them in future.

Manish Kumar
10thAbhyas is good institution and a innovative institute also. It is a good platform of beginners.Due to Abhyas,he has got knoweledge about reasoning and confidence.My son has improved his vocabulary because of Abhyas.Teacher have very friendly atmosphere also.

Manish Kumar
10thA marvelous experience with Abhyas. I am glad to share that my ward has achieved more than enough at the Ambala ABHYAS centre. Years have passed on and more and more he has gained. May the centre flourish and develop day by day by the grace of God.

Archit Segal
7thOne of the best institutes to develope a child interest in studies.Provides SST and English knowledge also unlike other institutes. Teachers are co operative and friendly online tests andPPT develope practical knowledge also.

Aman Kumar Shrivastava
10thAbhyas institute is one of the best coaching institute in the vicinity of Ambala Cantt area. The teachers of the institute are well experienced and very helpful in solving the problems of the students.The good thing of the institute is that it is providing extra classes for the students who are w...