ABHYAS ONLINE helps emerging academies and institutes overcoming the drawbacks of manual maintenance of student records like fees details, exam marks etc.
Our Partners will be our Mission & Vision Partners i.e. M&VP. The Agreement / Contract with our partners will be on the basis of per ID Model. IDs will be provided to our Partners for the classes as per the requirement and there will be no compulsion from our side for space, faculties, etc. Our partners will continue to take classes as being done earlier. Course Management, Progress, Fees, Time Table, Notes, Test Generator, Assignments, Written Papers, Online Exams will be done by Abhyas.
Additional Features as M&VP
1. Concept Based Progress available each and every Student
2. No Rote Learning, Students provided with a platform to understand concepts
3. Guided Learning for Online Students
4. Class Planning for Incampus and Guided Learning Students
5. Self Learning by Students - Topics covered in Class
6. Separate Login for Parent
7. Back-end support
8. Learning with Innovation
9. Better Time Management
10. Transport / Hostel Modules
Modules for Institute (M&VP)

Complete Workflow for Institution
- Student Enrollment
- Time Table
- Course Scheduling
- Workflow - Asignments / Worksheets
- Detailed Analysis
- Student Query Response
- Assign Roles
- Class Notes
- Worksheet Assign
- Parent Teacher Management
- Seminar / Calling
- Scholarship Test Management