(Test - Subject-Wise - Bank AO Prelims - Verbal Ability)
SubjectTopic(s) coveredConcept(s) covered
Verbal Ability Idioms And Phrases
Paronyms and Homonyms

One Word Substitution

Synonyms Antonyms

Cloze Test

Double Blanks
1. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With A, 2. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With B, 3. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With C, 4. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With D,E,F, 5. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With G,H,I,J, 6. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With K,L,M,N, 7. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With O,P,Q, 8. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With U,V,W, 9. Idioms And Phrases Beginning With R,S,T, 10. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With A, 11. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With B, 12. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With C, 13. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With D,E, 14. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With F,G,H, 15. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With I,J,K,L, 16. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With M,N,O,P, 17. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With Q,R,S,T, 18. Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With U,V,W,X,Y,Z, 19. One Words Denoting Comparisons, 20. One Words Denoting Diminutives, 21. One Words Denoting Governments, 22. One Words Denoting Groups A-G, 23. One Words Denoting Groups H-Z, 24. One Words Denoting Killings, 25. One Words Denoting Marriages, 26. One Words Denoting Objects A-I, 27. One Words Denoting Objects J-Z, 28. One Words Denoting Persons A-H, 29. One Words Denoting Persons I-Z, 30. One Words Denoting Phobia, 31. One Words Denoting Places, 32. One Words Denoting Professions, 33. One Words Denoting Science Arts A-E, 34. One Words Denoting Science Arts F-Z, 35. One Words Denoting Sounds, 36. One Words Denoting Time Periods, 37. One Words Denoting Young Ones, 38. Synonyms Starting With A, 39. Synonyms Starting With B, C, 40. Synonyms Starting With D,E, 41. Synonyms Starting With P, Q, 42. Synonyms Starting With F,G,H, 43. Synonyms Starting With I, J, 44. Synonyms Starting With K, L, M, 45. Synonyms Starting With N, O, 46. Synonyms Starting With R,S, 47. Synonyms Starting With T,U, 48. Synonyms Starting With V,W,X,Y, 49. Cloze Test Simple, 50. Cloze Test Complex, 51. Double Blanks in Sentences
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Please read the following instructions very carefully)
1. Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks. 2. You can change your answer before submitting test. 3. Donot refresh or back page.
4. Use rough sheets while taking the test. 5. This is a ONE TIME attempt test. Once started, it cannot be reversed. 6. Detailed Analysis will be visible after the Test.

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