(Test - Sectional - Bank Clerical Prelims - English [Tenses, Active and Passive Voice, Reported Speech])
SubjectTopic(s) coveredConcept(s) covered
English Tenses
Reported Speech

Active and Passive Voice
1. Present Indefinite Tense, 2. Simple Past Tense, 3. Past Indefinite Tense, 4. Simple Future Tense, 5. Simple Present Tense, 6. Future Indefinite Tense, 7. Present Continuous Tense, 8. Past Continuous Tense, 9. Future Continuous Tense, 10. Present Perfect Tense, 11. Past Perfect Tense, 12. Future Perfect Tense, 13. Present Perfect Continuous Tense, 14. Past Perfect Continuous Tense, 15. Future Perfect Continuous Tense, 16. Unknown Concept Tenses, 17. Indirect Speech - Changes in Interrogative Sentences, 18. Indirect Speech - Changes in Personal Pronoun, 19. No Change in Universal Truth, 20. Indirect Speech - Change in Tenses, 21. Direct Speech - Change In Tenses, 22. Direct Speech - Changes In Interrogative Sentences, 23. Direct Speech - Changes In Personal Pronoun, 24. Indirect Speech - Change in Advice or Command Statement, 25. Indirect Speech - Change in Modals, 26. Indirect Speech - Changes In Words And Expression of Time and Place, 27. Indirect Speech - Change in Exclamatory Sentence, 28. Direct Speech - Change In Advice Or Command Statement, 29. Direct Speech - Change In Exclamatory Sentence, 30. Direct Speech - Change In Modals, 31. Direct Speech - Changes In Words And Expression Of Time And Place, 32. Passive Voice For Auxiliary Verbs, 33. Passive Voice For Interrogative Sentence, 34. Passive Voice For Transitive Verbs, 35. Active Voice For Auxiliary Verbs, 36. Active Voice For Interrogative Sentence, 37. Active Voice For Transitive Verbs, 38. Active Passive No Change, 39. Passive Voice For Continuous Tense, 40. Passive Voice For Perfect Tense, 41. Passive Voice For Simple Future Tense, 42. Passive Voice For Simple Past Tense, 43. Passive Voice For Simple Present Tense, 44. Active Voice For Continuous Tense, 45. Active Voice For Perfect Tense, 46. Active Voice For Simple Future Tense, 47. Active Voice For Simple Past Tense, 48. Active Voice For Simple Present Tense
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1. Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks. 2. You can change your answer before submitting test. 3. Donot refresh or back page.
4. Use rough sheets while taking the test. 5. This is a ONE TIME attempt test. Once started, it cannot be reversed. 6. Detailed Analysis will be visible after the Test.

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