(Test - Sectional - RPF Constable - Verbal Reasoning [Number Analogy, Word Analogy, Letter Analogy])
SubjectTopic(s) coveredConcept(s) covered
Verbal Reasoning Number Analogy
Word Analogy

Letter Analogy
1. Number Analogy Combined, 2. Number Analogy Basic, 3. Number Analogy Abstract, 4. Number Analogy Fractional, 5. Word Analogy, 6. Word Analogy - Word and Antonym, 7. Word Analogy - Word and Synonym, 8. Word Analogy - Word and Intensity, 9. Word Analogy - Study and Topic, 10. Word Analogy - Pair Relationship, 11. Word Analogy - Part and Whole Relationship, 12. Word Analogy - Worker and Product, 13. Word Analogy - Product and Raw Material, 14. Word Analogy - Worker and Working Place, 15. Word Analogy - Tool and Action, 16. Word Analogy - Worker and Tool, 17. Word Analogy - Games and Place of Playing, 18. Word Analogy - Animals or Things and Keeping Place, 19. Word Analogy - Individual and Dwelling Place, 20. Word Analogy - Individual or Thing and Class, 21. Word Analogy - Animal and Movement, 22. Word Analogy - Male and Female, 23. Word Analogy - Animal and Young One, 24. Word Analogy - Individual and Group, 25. Word Analogy - Quantity and Unit, 26. Word Analogy - Instrument and Measurement, 27. Word Analogy - Country and Currency, 28. Word Analogy - State and Capital, 29. Word Analogy - Country and Capital, 30. Word Analogy - Animal or Thing And Sound, 31. Letter Analogy, 32. Letter Analogy - Skipping of Alphabet, 33. Letter Analogy - Converting Letter Analogy Into Number, 34. Letter Analogy - Letter In Alphabetical Order, 35. Letter Analogy - Position Of Vowels, 36. Letter Analogy - Change In The Order of Letter
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Please read the following instructions very carefully)
1. Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks. 2. You can change your answer before submitting test. 3. Donot refresh or back page.
4. Use rough sheets while taking the test. 5. This is a ONE TIME attempt test. Once started, it cannot be reversed. 6. Detailed Analysis will be visible after the Test.

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