Structure of an Ecosystem

Concept Explanation

Structure of an Ecosystem

Structure of an Ecosystem:  The term ecosystem was cioined by Sir Arthur Tansley in 1935. Ecosystem is actually a technical term for nature. It can also be defined as self sustaining structural and functional unit of biosphere. An ecosystem consists of two components—the abiotic component (nonliving component) and the biotic component (living component).

Types of ecosystem:  On the basis of nature ecosystem can be calssified as follows:

1. Natural ecosystem: They are ecosystem which develop in nature without the human support. They can be of two types :

  • Aquatic ecosystem : Found in water bodies which may be fresh water or sea water. eg: ponds, lake, rivers.
  • Teresstrial ecosystem:  This ecosystem occurs over land. They are of three types desert grassland and forest .
  • 2. Artificial ecosystem:  They are ecosystems which have been created and are been amaintained by Human beings. These are man made ecosystems.Agroecosystem is largest man made ecosystem.

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