
Concept Explanation


Contraception: It is possible to limit the size of a family through various means. One is to prevent pregnancy. Fertilization of the ovum and its subsequent implantation is referred to as conception or pregnancy. Prevention of conception is called contraception. Conception can be prevented in two different ways.

1. Natural/ Traditional method  :  It works on the principle of avoiding chances of ovum and sperms meeting. It includes :

(i) Periodic abstinence : It involves avoiding of coitus from days 10 to 17 oft eh menstural cycle, when ovulation could be expected. The chances of fertilization are very high in this period. It is called fertile period.

(ii) Coitus interruptus  :  It involves withdarwal of penis from the vagina just before ejaculation, so as to avoid insemination into the vagina.

(iii) Lactational amenorrhea  : It involves the prevention of conception by breastfeeding the child. Ovulation  and the cycle do not occur during the period of lactation.

2. Artificial methods :

(i) Barrier methods : There are a number of methods of contraception that create a mechanical barrier between the sperms and the egg. One method is to use a fine rubber tube called condom. This is worn over the penis during sexual intercourse, so that semen is collected in this tube and not discharged in the vagina. This method also prevents the spread of AIDS and many other sexually transmitted diseases. A diaphragm or cap can be fitted in the cervix of a woman to prevent semen from reaching the Fallopian tube.

Spermicidal creams, jellies and foams  are used along with barriers to increase contraceptive efficiency.

An intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is the device used only by females. These are inserted by doctors or expert nurses. This includes

i. Non - medicated IUDs(e.g. Lippes loop)

ii Copper releasing IUDs (e.g. CuT, Cu7, Multiload 375)

iii Hormone releasing IUDs(e.g. Progestasert, LNLNG- 20). These make uterus unsuitble for implantation.

(ii)Chemical methods: Oral contraceptives can be taken to change the hormonal balance of the body so that the ovum is not released from the ovary. Since the ovum does not come into the fallopian tube, it is not fertilized. Oral contraceptives are tablets which a woman has to take every day. These are also called birth control pills. Of all the contraceptive measures, oral contraceptive pills are the most effective. However, the change of hormonal balance caused by the intake of oral contraceptives occasionally has undesirable side effects.

Surgical methods: If the vas deferens, which carries the sperms to the urethra, is tied by a thread, the sperms cannot go past the tied point. The vas deferens can be exposed by a slight incision at the base of the scrotum. This incision and subsequent ligature (tying by thread) of the vas deferens by a surgeon is called vasectomy. In women, ligature of the Fallopian tube can prevent the passage of ova down the fallopian tube. This is called tubectomy. Both vasectomy and tubectomy ensure that fertilization will not take place. Surgery can also be used for aborting unwanted pregnancies. However, this is often misused for illegally aborting female foetuses. (The killing of a foetus is called foeticide.) To prevent female foeticide, prenatal sex determination has been prohibited by law.


                      Vasectomy                                                                     Tubectomy

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

How many method of contraception are there ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

How many types of permanent methods of contraception are there ?

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

From where can someone get contraception for free :

Right Option : D
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