Fossil Fuels

Concept Explanation

Fossil Fuels

Fuels and Flames fuels:

Those carbon compounds which have energy stored in them and burn with heat and light are called fuels. The released energy (heat or light) is utilised for various purposes like for cooking food, running machines in factories etc. In fuels, the carbon can be in free state as present in coal, coke and charcoal or in combined state as present in petrol, LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas whose main constituent is butane), CNG (Compressed natural gas, main constituent of which is methane), kerosene, petroleum, natural gas etc. Those fuels which were formed by the decomposition of the remains of the pre-historic plants and animals (fossils) buried under the earth long ago are called fossil fuels. E.g. coal, petroleum and natural gas.

Coal: It is a complex mixture of compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and some free carbon along with traces of nitrogen and sulphur.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The fuels which were formed by the decomposition of the remains of the pre-historic plants and animals (fossils) buried under the earth long ago are called _________________________.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Coke contain _____________ carbon

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Petroleum is dark viscous foul smelling oil and is also known as rock oil or black gold.

(b) Petroleum is formed by the decomposition of the remains of extremely small plants and animals buried under the sea millions of years ago.

Right Option : C
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