Opposition and its Role

Concept Explanation

Opposition and its Role

Necessity of Political Parties: Political parties are needed because they perform variety of functions. Modern democracies cannot exist without political parties. The necessity of political parties can be imagined by a situation without parties. Without existence of parties, following situations may occur:-

  • Every candidate in the elections will be independent. No one will be able to make any promises to the people about any major policy changes.
  • The government may be formed, but its utility will remain ever uncertain. Elected representatives will be accountable to their constituency for what they do in the locality. But no one will be responsible for how the country will be run.
  • An Example of Non-Party Based Election: The Panchayat elections are non-party based elections to the Panchayat in many states of India. Although, the parties do not contest formally, it is generally noticed that the village gets split into more than one group, each of which puts up a ‘panel’ of its candidates. The above example states exactly what the party does. That is the reason the political parties are in almost all countries of the world, whether these countries are big or small, old or new, developed or developing. They needed a mechanism to support or restrain the government, make policies, justify or oppose them. Political parties fulfil these needs that every representative government has. Thus, political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy.

    #Opposition : The political party or a group of parties that is a part of the legislature , but Not a part of the government , is known as a opposition . they Criticise and check the activities of the government . 



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