Human Reproductive System

Concept Explanation

Human Reproductive System

Reproduction is the biological process of producing off-springs that are biologically or genetically similar to the parents.  In humans their occur sexual reproduction which involves two parents.Human reproductive system involves the male reproductive system  which function to produce and deposit sperms. The female reproductive system  which produces egg cells and protect and nourish fetus until birth. Off-springs are produced by the fusion of gametes from each parent.

The humans have a high degree of sexual differentiation not only in the reproductive organs but also in the secondary sexual characters. This is known as sexual dimorphism. In Humans their occur internal fertilization  by sexual intercourse. The reproductive system comprises of two different parts :

1. Primary reproductive system : This system includes the gamete producing organs, the testis and the ovaries.

2. Accessory reproductive system :  This system includes glands, passages and other such associated structures.  


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