Wind Energy

Concept Explanation

Wind Energy

Wind Energy:

A moving mass of air is called wind. Let us see, with the help of an example, what causes wind. Daring the day, the land near the sea heats up faster than the water of the sea. Therefore, the air over the land heats up faster than that over the sea. The warm air over the land rises, and to take its place the colder air from the sea moves towards the land. This moving air is called wind. Similarly, winds arise whenever two adjoining areas on the surface of the earth are unequally heated by the sun. Like any moving object, wind has kinetic energy. Clearly, the ultimate source of this energy is the sun.

The invention of the windmill made it possible to do things like grind grain at mills and lift water with the help of wind energy. A windmill is a device in which the energy of the wind is used to rotate a set of blades, and the rational energy of the blades is used to do some work. The blades of a modern windmill make it look like a fan mounted on a tall column. The blades are kept high above the ground to catch the wind.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are advantages of wind energy .

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) A moving mass of air is called wind.

(b) A windmill can be designed to rotate the shaft of a generator such a windmill is usually called a wind turbine.

(c) The advantage of wind energy are harnessing wind energy is a pollution-free process, with no smoke, chemicals, etc. being produced.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

To make practical use of wind energy, the wind speed should be about

Right Option : C
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