Asexual Reproduction

Concept Explanation

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction: The type of reproduction that takes place without the process of gamete (sex cell) formation is called asexual reproduction. As only somatic cells are involved it is also called as somatogenic reproduction.   This process is very common in unicellular organisms and is said to be the simplest type of reproduction e.g. binary fission in amoeba, budding in hydra, spore formation in Rhizopus and fungus, vegetative propagation in flowering plants like rose etc. This type of reproduction takes place commonly in lower plants and animals, where the body is not very complex. There are different forms of asexual reproduction : 

1. Fission : In this type of reproduction whole body acts as a reproductive unit. The nucleus of the unicellular parent organism divides into two followed by division of cytoplasm, resulting in two daughter cells of almost equal size.  It is commonly seen in Euglena, Ameoba. Depending on the number of division, fission can be binary fission, longitudinal fission and multiple fission. 

2. Fragmentation :These organisms are formed of cells and tissues but lack differentiated specialised tissue and organs. Such organisms are produce by  breaking of theri bodies into small pieces called fragments. Each fragment is capable of developing inot a complete organism. Example :flatworm, echinoderm,sea anemones, filamentous green algae . 

3. Budding  : It involves production of a new individual form an outgrowth or small projecrtion, from the parent, called a bud. It is commonly seen in yeast, some protozoans and ceratin lower organisms like   Hydra and sponges.

4. Regeneration  :  This is the abiltiy of an organsim to regenerate its lost part of the body which  has been removed as an injury or by autonomy. Eg : Planaria

5. Spore formation : it is a common method of asexual reproduction in fungi and bacteria. The spores are produced in specialised strructures called as sporangium in case of fungi. Non - motile and non - motile spores are called aplanospores while the motile and flagellated spores are called as zoospores. The spore are libertaed after rupturing of sporangial wall.

6. Vegetative reproduction  : It is the method in which parts other than seeds are used as propagules . They are classififed as natural and artificial method. 

There are several methods of  natural vegetative propagation .  They are  By root tubes,  By underground modified stems, By runners, node of potato, Rhizome of ginger, corn of banana and bulb of garlic and onion, by leaf  etc.

Artificial Method  :

These are man made and develpoed by plant growers and horticulturist for commercial prooagation of crops. Some common methods are  Cutttiing, Layering, Grafting, Plant tissue culture etc.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Example or feature of asexual reproduction.

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Roots of which of the following plants are invovlved in asexual reproduction?

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Identify from the following, a correct statement with reference to asexual reproduction

Right Option : B
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