Kinds Of Leaves

Concept Explanation

Kinds Of Leaves

i. Simple LeavesA leaf having a single or undivided lamina is called simple leaf. The lamina of a simple leaf may be incised, but the incisions do not touch the midrib. An axillary bud is always present in the axil of leaf petiole and stem.

The lamina can have various types of incisionswhich may reach upto half (fid), more than half (partite) or near the base or midrib (sect).

ii. Compound LeavesA leaf is called compound when the incision of the leaf blade goes down to the midrib (rachis)  or to the petiole so that the leaf is broken up into a number of segments called leaflets.

A bud is present in the axil of petiole in both simple and compound leaves, but not in theaxil of leaflets of the compound leaf. A compound leaf can be of following two types(a) Pinnately Compound Leaves In these leaves, the incision of lamina is directed towards the midrib, which is known asrachis. Leaflets are arranged on both side on the rachis, e.g., neem, rose, etc.

(b) Palmate Compound Leaves The leaflets are attached at common point, i.e., at the tip of petiole as in silk cotton.

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