
Concept Explanation


Carbohydrates in Food: They provide energy to your body, which keeps it going throughout the day. There are two major types of carbohydrates in food:

  • a) Sugar: Sugar is also called simple carbohydrate. It has a sweet taste. Fruits, honey, and table sugar, sugarcane are some sources of sugar.
  • b) Starch: Starch is also called complex carbohydrate. It is tasteless, colourless and white powder. Plants store energy in the form of starch. Rice, wheat, corn, potato and bread are sources of starch.
  • When we eat plant products containing sugar and starch, our digestive system breaks them down into glucose. This glucose is the simplest form of sugar which is absorbed into the blood and provides us energy.

    Test for presence of Starch on food: The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of starch and sugars. We can easily test if a food item contains starch.  

  • Take small quantity of the food items to be tested.
  • Put 2-3 drops of iodine solution on it.
  • Observe the colour of the food item.
  • Blue-black colour indicates the presence of starch in the tested food item.

    Sample Questions
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