
Concept Explanation



  • Proteins are needed by our body for muscle building and repairing worn out tissues.
  • Our muscles, organs and blood are made up of mostly proteins. Proteins in our diet come from both plants and animals sources.
  • When the body is building new tissues, more proteins are required, so growing children need more protein.
  • Meat, fish, egg and milk are some animal sources of proteins. Pulses, soybeans, grams and nuts are some plant sources of proteins.
  • To test if a food item contains protein of not:

  • Take a small quantity of the food items to be tested. Grind/mash/paste/powder the food item.
  • Put the food item into a test tube.
  • Add 10 drops of water and shake the test tube.
  • Using a dropper add two drops of copper sulphate solution to the test tube.
  • Add 10 drops of caustic soda solution and shake the test tube.
  • Observe the colour of the mixture.
  • Violet colour indicates the presence of proteins in the tested food item. 

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    The total requirement of the proteins for an adult is about __________

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    A paste of food item was taken in a test-tube and to it was added a few drops of copper sulphate solution followed by caustic sods solution. A Violet Colour was observed in the test-tube after a few minutes. It shown the presence of which one of the following components in the food sample? 

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    How many grams of copper sulphate be dissolved in 100 ml of water to prepare copper sulphate solution for testing the presence of proteins in a food item? 

    Right Option : B
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