Purification of water

Concept Explanation

Purification of Water

Availability of pure drinking water is not possible in the big towns. Water that is available to them is obtained from ponds, rivers or lakes. This water is never pure. To make it potable, the water has to pass through a series of purifying processes as described below :-

Sedimentation tank:-

The water from pond, river or lake is led in to a sedimentation tank. A small amount of potash alum is added and the water is allowed to stand. Muddy substances present in water settle  down more easily in the presence of the alum. The clear liquid is now pumped out into a filtration tank.

Filtration tank :

In this tank water has to pass through the layers of charcoal, gravel and fine sand. Water gets filtered here and becomes free from suspended impurities. This water is then led into the chlorination tank.

Chlorination :- 

In this tank, water is treated with liquid chlorine or bleaching powder. Here, bacterial germs, if any, are killed and the water becomes potable.

Water is then supplied to different parts of the town through pipeline.



Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

In the process of water purification, the final purification of water is done with the help of disinfectant like chlorine. Which of the following is the correct definition of disinfectants ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

During the process of water purification, the water from pond, river or lake is led into a sedimentation tank. A small amount of _________ is added and the water is allowed to stand.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The chlorination of the water is done to ______________

Right Option : C
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