Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Concept Explanation

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Natural Vegetation:

We see a variety of plant life in our surroundings. How nice it is to play in a field with green grasses and there are also small plants called bushes and shrubs like cactus and flowering plants etc. besides there are many tall trees some with many branches and leaves like neem, mango or some which stand with few leaves such as palm. The grasses, shrubs and trees, which grow on their own without interference or help from human beings, are called natural vegetation.

Due to varied climatic conditions, India has a wide range of natural vegetation. Vegetation of India can be divided into five types- tropical evergreen forest, tropical deciduous forest, Thorny bushes, and mountain vegetation and mangrove forests.

Why are forests necessary?

Forests are very useful for us. They perform various functions. Plants release oxygen that we breathe and absorb carbon dioxide. The roots of the plants bind the soil; thus, they control soil erosion.

Forests provide us with timber for furniture, fuel wood, fodder, medicinal plants and herbs, lac, honey, gum, etc.

Forests are the natural habitat of wild life.

 Wild life:

·      Forests are home to a variety of wild life. There are thousands of species of animals and a large variety of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds, insects and worms which dwell in the forest.

·      The tiger is our national animal. It is found in various parts of the country. Gir forest in Gujarat is the home of Asiatic lions.

·      India is equally rich in bird life. The peacock is our national bird. There are several bird sanctuaries which have been created to give birds their natural habitat. These provide the birds protection from hunters.

·      There are several hundreds of species of snakes found in India. Cobras and kraits are important among them.

·      Due to cutting of forests and hunting, several species of wildlife of India are declining rapidly. Many species have already become extinct.

In order to protect them many national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves have been set up. The government has also started project tiger and project elephant to protect these animals.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

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Right Option : D
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Question : 2

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Right Option : C
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Right Option : C
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