
New Questions and Ideas - Concepts
Class - 6th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation


Jainism: Jainism was founded by Vardhamana Mahavir of Vajji gana -sangha. He left home at the age of 30 and went to live in the forest. For many years, he led a hard and lonely life, but finally attained enlignment.

The roots of the Jain faith can be traced to a succession of 24 jinas or tirthankars.A jain is one who has conquered anger,passion ,greed and ego through meditation and self -awareness. The followers of a jina are called Jains.Jainism gained widespread popularity under Vardhamana Mahavira,the last of the 24 trithankars. Vardhamana Mahavira was born around 599 BCE near Vaishali in Bihar .His father ,siddhanta ,was a chieftain of the Lichchhavi clan,and his wife was Trishala.

Though Vardhamana was married and had a child,by the time he was 30, he renounced his family ties to search for the truth. He spent 121 long years in prayer and penance,after which he attained enlightment. He came to be known as jina or Mahavira (the great victor who had conquered the self) .He discarded his clothes as he felt that they were a symbol of bodily consciousness and remained naked for the rest of his life.

The most famous thinkers of the Jainas, Vardhamana Mahavira, also spread his message around this time, i.e. 2500 years ago. He was a kshatriya prince of the Lichchhavis, a group that was part of the Vajji sangha. At the age of thirty, he left home and went to live in a forest. For twelve years he led a hard and lonely life, at the end of which he attained enlighten. He taught a simple doctrine : men and women who wished to know the truth must leave their homes. They must follow very strictly the rules of ahimsa, which means not hurting or killing living beings.”All beings,” said Mahavira   “long to live. To all things life is dear “Ordinary people could understand the teachings of Mahavira and his followers, because they used Prakrit. There were several forms of Prakrit, used in different parts of the country, and named after the region in which they were used. For example, the Prakrit spoken in Magadha was known as Magadhi.

Followers of Mahavira, who were known as Jainas, had to lead very simple lives, begging for food. They had to be absolutely honest and were especially asked not to steal. Also, they had to observe celibacy. And men had to give up everything, including their clothes. The teachings of Mahavira and his followers were transmitted orally for several centuries. They were written down in the form in which they are presently available at a place called valabahi, in Gujarat, about 1500 year ago

The teaching of Mahavira

Mahavira taught his followers to believe in,and practise :

  • ahimsa,or absolute non - violence , even towards animals,insects ,birds and plants.
  • honesty
  • kindness
  • truthfulness
  • not covering or desiring things belonging to others.
  • Mahavira laid emphasis on the attainment of nirvana or freedom from the cycle of life and death .This was possible only if one could get rid of karma or destiny.A person could get rid of Karma by leading a good and disciplined life.

    He said that nirvana could be attained by practising the triratna (or three jewels)-( right faith,right knowledge and right action . He did not believe in the caste system,and taught that all humans were equal . He did not lay emphasis on the need for gods, rituals or sacrifices as necessities for leading a moral life.

    The spread of Jainism

    Jainism soon attracted many followers .one of the main reason for this was that Mahavira taught in Prakrit ,which was the language of the common people. In course of time , the Jaina broke up into two groups ,the svetambaras and the digambaras.

    The digambaras did not wear clothes.They were 'sky -clad' as the word digambara means. The svetambaras wore white garments . Svetambara Jainism is more widespread these days.The Jain monks spread Mahavira's teachings from odisha to Rajasthan and from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    From where the word jains came ?

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Mahavira was a prince in the Sakya'gana'.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    White clothes were worn by the followers of  _______ .

    Right Option : C
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