Chalcolithic Settlements

What Books and Burials Tell Us II - Concepts
Class - 6th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Chalcolithic Settlements


Inamgaon, on the banks of the river Ghod in Maharashtra, is one of the largest Chalcolithic settlements India. The people of Inamgaon were mainly farmers   Archaeologists have found the remains of at least 134 mud houses at Inamgaon.  The walls of the houses were probably built of mud and Branches of trees, while the roofs were thatched with grass. A few tools and ornaments made our of copper have been found at Inamgaon. We also find the use of domestic stone tools like grinding stones and pestles on grind or crush grains. They grew barley, wheat, peas, gram and beans. They also cultivated rice, jowar and ragi. They domesticate animals like cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and pigs, as can be seen from the animal bones found here.

A large number human burial sites have been found it Inamgaon.

Cattle, horses and chariots : There are many prayers in the Rigveda for cattle, children (especially sons), and horses. Horses were yoked to chariots that were used in battles, which were fought to capture cattle. Battles were also fought for land, which was important for pasture, and for growing hardy crops. Some battles were fought for water, and to capture people. Some of the wealth that was obtained was kept by the leaders, some was given to the priests and the rest was distributed amongst the people. Some wealth was used for the performance of yajnas or sacrifices in which offerings were made into the fire. These were meant for gods and goddesses.

Words to describe people: There are two groups who are described in terms of their work — the priests, sometimes called Brahmins, who performed various rituals and the rajas. They did not have capital cities, palaces or armies, nor did they collect taxes. Generally, Sons did not automatically succeed fathers as rajas.

          Two words were used to describe the people or the community as a whole. One was the word Jana, which we still use in Hindi and other languages. The other was vish.The word vaishya comes from vish.

 Do Any Of These Names Sound Familiar?

The people who composed the hymns described themselves as Aryas and called their opponents Dasas or Dasyus. These were people who did not perform sacrifices, and probably spoke different languages. Later, the term dasa. Came to mean slave. Slaves were women and men who were often captured in war. They were treated as the property of their owners, who could make them do whatever work they wanted.


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