One Past or Many?

Concept Explanation

One Past or Many?

One past or many: The word ‘pasts’ is used in plural to draw attention to the fact that the past was different for different groups of people. For example, the lives of herders of farmers were different from those of kings and queens, the lives of merchants were different from those of crafts persons, and so on. Also, as is true even today, people followed different practices and customs in different parts of country.

Today most people living in the Andaman Islands get their own food by fishing ,hunting,and collecting forest produce.By Contrast ,most people living in cities depend on others for supplies of food .Differences such as these existed in the past as well.

Beside , there is another kind of differences we know a great deal about Kings and the battles they fought because they kept records of their victories.Generally ,ordinary people such as hunters ,fishing folk,gatherers,farmers or herders did not keep records of what they did .while archaeology helps us to find out about their lives,there is much that remains unknown.

Archaeology did not help us to know more about the ordinary people in the past because they did not keep records of what they did not keep records of what they did.Whereas ,kings used to keep the records of their victories and the battles they fought.



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