Construction of Circle

Concept Explanation

Construction of Circle

Construction of Circle:

Suppose we want to draw a circle of radius 3cm. We need  to use our compasses. Here are the steps to follow.

(Diagram Required)

Step1: Open the compasses for the required radius of 3cm.

Step2: Mark a point with a Sharp pencil where we want the centre of the circle to be. Name it as O.

Step3: Place the pointer of the compasses on O.

Step4: Turn the compasses slowly to draw the circle. Be careful to complete the movement around in one instant.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Concentric Circles have same centre but different________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Arrange the following Steps in a Correct manner to draw a circle D and radius 6 cm:

1. Place the pointer of the compass D.

2. Open the compass by placing it against a ruler for the required of 6 cm.

3. Turn the compass around the point D, to required circle.

4. Mark a point D with sharp pencil and consider it as center of a circle.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Diameter of circle

Right Option : C
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