Movement in Fish, Snake and Bird

Concept Explanation

Movement in Fish, Snake and Bird


The skeleton of a human body is inside the body. Such a skeleton is known as endoskeleton. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have endoskeletons. They all have backbones and are known as vertebrates. Muscles that enable the fish to move are found on either side of back-bone. These muscles contract on one side and expand on the other. This moves the body from side to side, in a zig-zag pattern. The tail fin of the fish moves along with the body in a zig-zag pattern, it pushes against the water. This force moves the fish’s body forward. To help movement in water, fishes have a streamlined shape—rounded in front and narrow at the back. This reduces the water resistance and enables the fish to glide along in the water.





A snake is a vertebrate. It has a long backbone which is very flexible. The snake can curve its body into many loops. Each loop pushes against the ground to give a forward push to the body. Therefore, when moving forward, its body moves from side-to-side in a wave like motion. Since its long body makes many loops and each loop gives it a forward push, the snake moves forward very fast. They do not move in a straight line.  



Birds fly with their wings which are modified forelimbs. They use their legs or hind limbs to walk, run and hop. Some birds also swim in water. The bones of the birds are hollow and very light, making it easy for them to rise in air. Strong muscles in their breastbones help birds to flap their wings and fly. They have the streamlined bodies that cut the air current while flying.  



Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) The skeleton of a human body is inside the body. Such a skeleton is known as endoskeleton. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have endoskeletons. 

(b) A snake is a vertebrate. It has a long backbone which is very flexible. The snake can curve its body into many loops.

(c) The bones of the birds are hollow and very light, making it easy for them to rise in air.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Birds fly with their wings which are modified _______________ .

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

How do fishes move in water?

Right Option : D
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