Types of Roots

Concept Explanation

Types of Roots

Types of roots: There are two main types of root systems:

1.  Tap root: Tap root is a primary root that grows more or less straight down into the soil and is tapered towards the end. It is found in many of the plants. It is also called as true root. Smaller roots that branch out from the tap root are called as lateral roots. Examples of plants with tap roots are hibiscus, carrot, turnip and sunflower.

2.  Fibrous root: Fibrous roots are a group of lateral roots arising at the base of the stem. In the plants bearing fibrous roots, tap root slowly weakens and replaced by bunch of roots arising from the base of the stem. This bunches of roots form the fibrous roots. Examples of plants with fibrous roots are banana, grass and onion.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

In which of the following plant fibrous roots are present ?

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Match column -I with coumn - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the coloumn.

Column - IColumn - II

A. Tap root

B. Fibrous roots

C. Stem

D. Petiole

(p) The part of leaf

(q) The main root of plants with reticulate venation

(r) Found in plants with parallel venation

(s) Conducts water


Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Tap root is a primary root that grows more or less straight down into the soil and is tapered towards the end.

(b) Fibrous root is a primary root that grows more or less straight down into the soil and is tapered towards the end.

Right Option : A
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