Characteristic of Living Structural organization

Concept Explanation

Characteristic of Living Structural organization

 Structural organization- living things have a definite structural organization. Their bodies are made of cells.

Cells  large rightarrow  tissue    large rightarrow  organ large rightarrow   organ system

  1    A cell is the smallest living structure that is able to function independently.

  2   A group of similar cell that perform a particular function form a tissue.

  3    A group of tissues performing a particular function in the body form an organ.

  4   A group of organs interacting with one another to perform a particular life process like digestion, respiration form an organ system.

  5   Unicellular organisms – an organism whose body consists of a single cell. Eg: Amoeba and paramecium.

Multicellular organism- an organism whose body consists of many cells is called multicellular organism. Eg: human beings and rose plant.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Living things have a definite structural organization.

(b) A group of similar cell that perform a particular function form a tissue.

(c) A group of organs interacting with one another to perform a particular life process like digestion, respiration form an organ system.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) A cell is the smallest living structure that is able to function independently.

(b) A group of similar cell that perform a particular function form a tissue.

(c) A group of tissues performing a particular function in the body form an organ.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

A group of tissues performing a particular function in the body form an ________________

Right Option : C
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