Temperature as Causes of Change

Concept Explanation

Temperature as Causes of Change

Temperature as a Cause of Change: Certain things expand on heating and contract on cooling.  There are many materials that expand (i.e. increase in size) on heating and contract (i.e. decrease in size) on cooling. Fixing of an iron rim on a bullock-cart wheels. The iron rime is made slightly smaller in size than the wooden wheel. The ironsmith heats this iron rim uniformly. On heating, it expands and becomes somewhat bigger in size. This hot iron rim is now easily put around the wooden wheel. Water is poured over the hot iron rim to cool it. On cooling, the hot rim contracts (shrinks) and fits tightly around the wooden wheel. Similarly, wooden handles are fitted tools such as spades and ploughs which for digging soil. Some more examples are  :      

  • 1. When ice is kept on room temperature, it melts and turns into water.
  • 2.  When candle begins burning, its wax melts because of higher temperature.
  • 3.  When a piece of paper is burnt, it turns into a new substance because of heat.
  • 4.  Ironsmith uses heat to change a lump of iron into useful items.
  • 5.  Iron is heated till it becomes red hot and then is beaten to give it a particular shape. Spade, knife, sickle, etc. are made from iron in this way. 
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) When a piece of paper is burnt, it turns into a new substance because of heat.

    (b) Ironsmith uses heat to change a lump of iron into useful items.

    (c) When ice is kept on room temperature, it evaporates.

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    When ice is kept on room temperature, it _________________.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) When ice is kept on room temperature, it melts and turns into water.

    (b) When candle begins burning, its wax melts because of higher temperature.

    Right Option : C
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