Difference between Living and non Living Things

Concept Explanation

Difference between Living and non Living Things

Matter around us can be classified as living and non living. There are different living organisms but they have many characters in common.  These characters are  growth, movement,reproduction, respiration, excretion,  nutirtion etc.  These characters are not possesed by non living things.Some of the  differences between living and non living are listed below :

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Living things

Non- living things


They are made of cells.

They are not made of cells.


They excrete and get rid of wastes.

They do not produce wastes.


They reproduce new offspring.

They do not reproduce.


They need food and air.

They do not need food or air.


Living things follow a cycle of growth and finally die.

Non- living things do not grow or die.

Viruses : 

Viruses are micro - organisms which have the characteristics of both living and non living  things.They are just like any other non - living thing outside the body of living thing. They can grow and multiply only inside the living things. Viruses are often considered the connecting link between the living and the non- living things.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Living things are made of cells.

(b) Non living things do not reproduce .

(c) Viruses are micro - organisms which have the characteristics of both living and non living  things.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Cars, pencils, and air are examples of ____________. 

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

A chair and a table are human - made things are example of _____________

Right Option : B
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