Emergence of new states

Concept Explanation

Emergence of new states

Emergence Of New States: With the decline in the authority of the Mughal emperors, the governors of large provinces, subadars, and the great zamindars consolidated their authority in different parts of the subcontinent. The states of the eighteenth century can be divided into three overlapping groups:

(1) States that were old Mughal provinces like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad. Although extremely powerful and quite independent, the rulers of these states did not break their formalities with the Mughal emperor.

  • They were all established by the Mughal nobles, They were highly suspicious of some of the administrative system that they had interested in particular, the jagirdari system.
  • Their method of tax collection were different. Rather than relying upon the officers of the state all three regimes contracted with revenue farmers for the collection of revenue.
  • All these states had relationship with the bankers and the moneylenders . These people lent money to revenue farmers, received land as security and collected taxes from these lands through their own agents.
  • (2) States that had enjoyed considerable independence under the Mughal as watan jagirs. These included several Rajput principalities.

    The Rajput rulers had always enjoyed a certain freedom during the Mughal times, especially under the rule of Akbar .Akbar had realised early in his rule the importance of maintaining a cordial (friendly) relationship  with  the Rajputs . To conciliate them some of the Rajputs rulers were also  made governors of provinces of Jagirs.

    (3) The last group included states under the control of Marathas, Sikhs and others like jats.

  • Maratha Kingdom developed after a struggle with the Mughal empire. Shivaji carved out a stable Kingdoms with the support of powerful warrior families of Deshmukhs and highly mobile peasants pastoralists Kunbis.
  • The Jats were prosperous agriculturists.Panipat and Ballabhgarh became important trading centers under Churaman a jat who dominated Delhi and Agra.
  • In the 18th century, under a number of Able leaders , the Sikhs organised themselves into a number of bands called Jathas , and later on Misls.
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