Express the Fraction as Percentage

Concept Explanation

Express the Fraction as Percentage

As we know that 35%= 35 hundredths =frac{35}{100}

Thus, a fraction with its denominator 100 is equal to that percent as is the numerator.

So, frac{8}{100}=8% and frac{135}{100}=135% etc.

Hence,  To express a fraction as a percentage we multiply it by 100 and put the percent sign % .

Illustration: Express large frac{1}{4}  as a percentage:

 Solution: frac{1}{4}; times ;100 = 25%

Illustration: Express frac{4}{5} as a percentage.

Solution: frac{4}{5}times 100=4times 20

                                   = 80 %

Illustration: Express frac{9}{20} as a percentage.

Solution: frac{9}{20}times 100=9times 5

                                   = 45 %

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