Rajput Dynasty

Delhi 12th to 15th Century I - Concepts
Class - 7th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Rajput Dynasty

Rajput, Dynasty: (from Sanskrit raja-putra, “son of a king”), any of about 12 million landowners organized in patrilineal clans and located mainly in central and northern India. They are especially numerous in the historic region of Rajputana (“Land of the Rajputs”) that also included portions of present-day eastern Pakistan.

India is the 16th century CE presented a picture of political disunity and disarray. The Delhi sultanate had shrunk in size and powers , with several  regions breaking free from its control . The governor of Punjab ,Daulat Khan Lodi , had declared his independence from the Delhi Sultanate ; so had the governors of Bengal , Sind, Multan, and Jaunpur.The rulers of Mewar ,Malwa ,Gujrat and Khandesh no longer owed allegiance to the Delhi Sultanate .In the Deccan and South ,powerful regional Kingdoms like the Bahamani Kingdom and mighty Vijayanagar Empire ruled.

The Rajputs regard themselves as descendants or members of the Kshatriya (warrior ruling) class, but they actually vary greatly in status, from princely lineages, such as the Guhilot and Kachwaha, to simple cultivators. Most authorities agree that successful claims to Rajput status frequently were made by groups that attained secular power; invaders from central Asia as well as patrician lines of indigenous tribal peoples were probably absorbed in that way. There are numbers of Muslim Rajputs in northwestern India and eastern Pakistan, and Rajputs generally have adopted the custom of purdah (seclusion of women). Their ethos includes an intense pride in ancestry and a mettlesome regard for personal honour. They seek hypergamous marriages (i.e., a bride marrying into a social group higher than her own).

As we already know that regions like the Kaveri delta became the centre of large kingdoms. Did you notice that there was no mention of a kingdom with Delhi as its capital? That was because Delhi became an important city only in the twelfth century.

  • Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tamara Rajput, who were defeated in the middle of the twelfth century by the Chauhans (also referred to as Chahamanas) of Ajmer. It was under the Tomaras and Chauhans that Delhi became an important commercial centre.
  • Many rich Jaina merchants lived in the city and constructed several temples. Coins minted here, called Delhiwal, and had a wide circulation.  The transformation of Delhi into a capital that controlled vast areas of the subcontinent started with the foundation of the Delhi sultanate century.
  • Rajput Policy:  Akbar realised that if he were to be accepted as the monarch of an empire in India , it could not be possible without the support of the Rajputs.He gave important posts to Rajputs and other Hindus in his administration .Raja Todar Mal ,Raja Bihari Mal , his son Bhagwan Das and grandson Man Singh were some of the Rajputs who held important positions in Akbar's court.

    Akbar gave the Rajputs complete freedom to follow their religion ,build temples, celebrate festivals and wear their caste mark on their  forehead.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Rajputs built temples at _________ .




    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    The Chauhans were strong in central ___________ .

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Rajatarangini was written by_______________ .

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation

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