Babur 1526-1530

The Mughals 16th-1 Century I - Concepts
Class - 7th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Babur 1526-1530

Babur 1526-1530: Babur was born in 1483. He was the first Mughal emperor (1526-1530). Succeeded to the throne of Ferghana in 1494 when he was only 12 years old. He was forced to leave his ancestral throne due to the invasion of another Mongol group, the Uzbegs. After years of wandering he seized Kabul in 1504 when he was 12 years old. He now began to look towards India, about whose wealth he had heard many stories. He made four exploratory attacks into India, none of which were very successful.  He was invited b Maharana Sangram Singh, king of Mewar, and Daulat khan Lodhi, In 1526 he defeated the sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi, at panipat and captured Delhi and Agra.

  • Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire in India, was the ruler of ferghana, a small state in modern Uzbekistan. 
  • From the beginning of his reign, Babur was constantly engaged in trying to save his kingdom from foreign invasions. His attempts, however, ended in failure and he was forced to wander for years before he managed to capture Kabul in 11504 CE.
  • With Kabul as his base, Babur set his sights on India and defeated Ibrahim Lodi, the last sultan of the Delhi Sultante, in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526  CE,thus laying the foundations of the Mughal empire in India.
  • In order to further consolidate his power, Babur defeated the Rajputs under Rana Sanga, the ruler of Mewar, in 1527 CE, thus establishing his control over northern India.
  • He further strengthened his position by leading a campaign against Chanderi in 1528 CE and against the afghans of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in1529 CE.
  • At the time of his death in 1530 CE, Babur's empire in India stretched from  the river Indus in the east, and from the Himalayas in north to Gwalior in the south.
  • Babur was an enlightened ruler. He knew persian and Arabic and is regarded as one of the most famous writers in the Turkish language. His memoir, Tuzuk-i-Baburi or the Baburnama is considered as one of  the classics  of world literature.
  • Babur married several times. Notable among his sons are Humayun, Kamran Mirza, and Hindal Mirza. Babur died in 1530 in Agra and Humayun succeeded him. Babur was first buried in Agra but, as per his wishes, his remains were moved to Kabul and reburied.
  • He ranks as a national hero in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Many of his poems have become popular folk songs. He wrote the Baburnama in Chaghatai; it was translated into Persian during the reign (1556–1605) of his grandson, the Emperor Akbar.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    In which of the following location Babur died ?

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Which Mughal King was more as an adventurer than ruler?

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation

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