Blood Connective Tissue

Concept Explanation

Blood Connective Tissue

 Blood is a fluid that flows in the blood vessels. It forms a medium through which nutrients, important gases, water and waste water products are transported inside the organisms, it constitutes about 8% of the body weight. Blood consist of several cells floating in straw coloured liquid called plasma. These cells are Red blood cells (RBCs), White blood cells (WBCs) and Blood platelets.

Red blood cells  are flat and disc-like in shape with a depression in the centre. They contain the red pigment, hemoglobin. This pigment combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin that helps in transporting oxygen to all parts of the body.

White blood cells are larger than RBCs but do not have hemoglobin. They move actively and protect the body against disease-causing microorganisms by destroying them.

Functions of blood:

  • Blood helps to distribute digested food to all parts of the body.
  • Circulation of blood also helps to maintain body temperature by its distribution in the body.
  • Clotting of blood is needed to prevent bleeding. Blood platelets help in clotting of blood.
  • Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
  • Blood also transports carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, where it is transported to the blood by diffusion.

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