Types of Soil

Concept Explanation

Types of Soil

Types of soil: The difference in particle size of the various soil constituents gives rise to a property called texture. The easiest way to identify the type of soil is to take some, wet it, and roll it between your fingers.

  • If it is very gritty and pale brown, then it is sandy. 
  • If it makes a shiny smooth coating on your fingers and is greyish-brown, then it is clayey. 
  • If it is flaky and dark, then it is loamy.
  •   Based on the proportion of sand, silt, clay, and humus present, soil can be sandy, clayey.

                SandySoil     Clayey Soil              Loamy soil
    More than two third of sandy soil is sand and about one third is clay.More than two - third of clayey soil is clay.Loamy soil has sand and silt in equal amounts, about two fifth each. One fifth of loamy soil is clay.
    It is made up of large particles with large air spaces.It is made up of fine particles with small air spaces.It has high humus content.
    Its porosity prevents retention of water. So it dries up early.It retains moisture and becomes very sticky when wet.It is porous and also holds moisture.
    It is well suited for fruit and vegetable cultivation.It is good for making pots.It is god for cultivation of crops and gardening.

    Types of Soil:  On the basis of proportion of particles of various sizes soil can be classified as.

    (i) Sandy soil: If soil contains greater proportion of big particles it is called sandy soil.

    (ii) Clayey soil: In such a soil the porportion of fine particles is relatively higher.

    (iii) Loamy  soil: In such  a soil the amount of large and fine particles is about the same.

    Geographically, Indian soil can be classified in to following type :

    1.  Red soil : This soil is red in colour due to the presence of large amounts of iron oxide.

    2.  Black soil : It is rich in the minerals, iron and magnesium. This soil is suitable for the growth of sugarcane and cotton.

    3.  Alluvial soil : This sandy, formed by the weathering of rocks is brought down by flowiing rivers fro the mountains. It is vary fertile and rich in humus. It is suitable for the cultivation of wheat, rice and sugarcane.

    4.  Desert soil : This sandy soil does not hold much water. Cacti, Date palm, Coconut palm, etc. which do not need much water grow in this type of soil.

    5.  Mountain soil : This is highly fertile soil contains the highest humus content.

    6.  Laterite soil : This soil is found in regions of heavy rainfall. It is good for the growth of plantation crops like coffee, tea, coconut anf banana.


    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Water when is allowed to percolate through a loamy soil, it took 20 minutes for 400 mL of water to percolate. Loamy soil contains  _____________ .

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    Which soil has the maximum water holding capacity ?

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    Which of the following is a type of soils we found on Earth?

    Right Option : B
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