Pollution Control Disposal of Waste

Concept Explanation

Pollution Control Disposal of Waste

Treatment of Industrial Waste:

The treatment of industrial waste depends upon the nature of the pollutants present. The chemical substances present in the industrial waste dissolved in water can be precipitated by suitable chemicals and removed from water.

Pollution Control Disposal of Waste : 

Improper Management of Sewage

1.  Domestic wastes enter sewers and are taken to rivers, often untreated.

2.  Discharge, often untreated from factories enters rivers.

3.  Untreated sewage waste enters rivers.

Role as active citizens:

We can play an active role in waste water management and can reduce the pollution caused by it. We can maintain a clean and healthy surrounding in the following ways:

Reduce Water Pollution : 

  • 1. Reduce the quantity of waste water being produced in our homes. 
  • 2. Use low capacity flushes in toilets to reduce water tank is flushed down toilets.
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    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Drains get blocked by ___________________

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) Never throw waste at public places . We should clean our surroundings regularly .

    (b) Do not burn the waste . Burning of waste results in release of harmful gases which causes air pollution.

    (c) Use of solar cookers and biogas should be encouraged. This would reduce the pressure on the burning of fossil fuels like coal.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) Do not throw cooking oil in the drain. It hardens and blocks the pipes of sewerage system.

    (b) Do not throw solids like, leaves, cotton, polythene bags etc. in the drains. These choke the drains.

    (c) Use low capacity flushes in toilets to reduce water tank is flushed down toilets.

    Right Option : D
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