Septic Tank

Concept Explanation

Septic Tank

Alternate Arrangement for Sewage Disposal:

Low cost outside sewage disposal system has been developed to take care of places where there is no sewage system, e.g. rural areas, isolated buildings. These are described below:

Septic Tanks:

Septic tank is a low cost on site sewage disposal system. Septic tanks are suitable where there is no sewerage made. These tanks need cleaning every four to six months. A septic tank usually consists of a big, covered underground tank made of concrete having an inlet pipe at one end and on outlet pipe at the other end. The toilet seat is connected to the inlet pipe of the septic tank. The human excreta from the toilet seat enter into the septic tank through the inlet pipe. The solid part of excreta keeps on collecting at the bottom of the septic tank in the form of sludge whereas watery waste remains above it.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) These septic tanks need cleaning every eight to ten years. 

(b) The human excreta from the toilet seat enter into the septic tank through the inlet pipe.

(c) The excess water goes out of the septic tank through the outlet pipe and get absorbed in soil.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

 The human excreta from the toilet seat enter into the _________________ through the inlet pipe. 

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct ?

(a)  A septic tank usually consists of a big, covered underground tank .

(b)  The toilet seat is connected to the inlet pipe of the septic tank.

(c)  The digested solid waste keeps on depositing at the bottom of septic tank. 


Right Option : D
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