Vector and Scalar Quantity

Concept Explanation

Vector and Scalar Quantity

Position of a Particle along a Straight Line

To describe a position, we choose a convenient point ‘O’ on the line, we call this point the origin or reference point.

Position of Particle: ‘The position of a particle moving along a straight line is described by a quantity ‘x’. The numerical value of ‘x’, together with the unit, gives the distance of the particle from the Origin, and the sign of ‘x’ denote whether the particle is in the positive direction or in the negative direction.’

Vector and Scalar Quantity: Physical quantities with which we can associate only magnitude i.e. numbers are called Scalar Quantities. For e g., mass, time, distance, speed etc.

If the mass of an object is 2 kg, the mass is represented by the number 2 along with the unit ‘kg’.

Physical quantities with which we can associate only magnitude i.e. numbers as well as direction are called Vector Quantities. For e.g., weight, displacement, velocity etc.

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