American and French Revolution

Concept Explanation

American and French Revolution

The American and French revolutions and nationalism: The American and French Revolutions, and the ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity the adopted, changed the lives of millions of people across the world. They inspired the people of many countries to rebel against domination and exploitation, and to fight for freedom and democracy.

These revolutions led to the growth of another powerful movement in 19th century Europe-nationalism. Nationalism is a strong felling of love, pride and loyalty that people have for their country. It inspired people in the 19th century, to fight for independence from British rule.

It is no coincidence that the French and American Revolutions happened in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. The huge social changes created changes in political systems and thinking. In both France and America, the revolutions were inspired by a rejection of a monarchy in favor of national sovereignty and representative democracy. Both revolutions also heralded the rise of secular society, as opposed to church-based authority systems. Democracy was well-suited to the so-called Age of Reason, with its ideals of individual rights and its belief in progress.


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