Reasons for the Failure of the Revolt

Concept Explanation

Reasons for the Failure of the Revolt

Reasons for the Failure of the Revolt: How were just 10,000 British officers able to hold down a nation of millions of people. The uprising had been planned for months , but it broke out before the appointed dates . it did not go according to the plans as the revolutionaries failed to spread it beyond Central India and Delhi . If the plan had gone as per the schedule , the revolt would have broken out in many parts of India simultaneously and it would have been very difficult for Lord Canning, the Governor-General at that time to control the revolt.

Lack of Unity among the Indians:

There was no unity among the rebels . the ideas of nationalism had not yet developed. There was no common ideology amongst the rebels . the Sepoys of Bengal wanted to revive the glory of the Mughals while , Nana sahib and Tantia tope tried to re-established the Maratha power and Rani Lakshmi Bai fought for her lost kingdom.

The Revolt did not involve the entire region or all the sections of Indian society. Many of the Indian rulers and the big zamindars refused to join the rebellion. Many, like Scindia of Gwalior, the Nizam of Hyderabad and Halkar of Indore, gave active support to the British. Most of South India and western Punjab stayed out of the rebellion. In areas of Punjab, the people were happy with the efficient administration of the British and did not join the Revolt. Most of the educated, westernized Indians also did not support the Revolt. In their eyes, India needed the British. They felt only the British could take India forward and rid it of the various social ills.

Lack of Nation Leader:

The leadership of the revolt was neither strong nor gave direction to the rebels. The Indian rulers fought to liberate their own territories and did not think about the freedom of the whole country . Moreover, the British got timely help from the government of Britian.

The Revolt threw up several strong and Independent leaders there was no single leader who could lead the groups. The leaders were mainly people joined the Revolt because of the threat specially the British to their throne. Coming to the common people, like peasants the story was no different. The freedom fighters were inspired by the ideas of nationalism, liberty, equality and democracies the people in India still looked up religious their outdated ideas.     

Lack of Resources: Finally could not match the sophisticated and  modern weapons materials of war used by the British. The rebels fought with weapons like swords. They were brave and fearless, but lacked coordination and discipline. The British had the excellent system of communication. So troops could be moved quickly and decisions taken fast.

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