Cell Structure

Concept Explanation

Cell Structure

Structure of a Cell

  •   A cell is the structural and functional unit of Life.
  • The living parts of the cell that have a definite shape, structure, and function are called organelles.
  • Cells have various components which have structural and functional importance. These components plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.
  •  Components of the cell are enclosed in a cell membrane which provides shape to the cells.
  • Cell wall is an additional covering over the cell membrane to give shape and rigidity to plant cells.
  • Due to presence of these features, all activities inside the cell and interaction of the cell with the environment are possible.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    _________________________ is an additional covering over the cell membrane to give shape and rigidity.

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Genetic material stored in the______________ of  cell.

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    Proteins that are secreted by cells are generally ___________________


    Right Option : C
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