Drug abuse and AIDS

Reaching The Age of Adolescence II - Concepts
Class - 8th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Drug abuse and AIDS

Drug abuse and AIDS:  Drugs are chemical substances that produce physical, mental, behavioral, or emotional changes in the user. Use of a drug for purpose other than medicinal use is called drug abuse. People who use drugs are also at risk of being infected with HIV, the deadly virus that causes AIDS. This virus can spread by sharing syringes used for injecting some drugs. It also spreads through sexual contact with an infected person.


AIDS is a fatal disease caused by HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus). HIV kills or damages cells of the body's immune system which slowly destroys the body's ability to fight infection and diseases. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection.

Methods of transmission of virus are:

  • (i) By sharing the syringes used for injecting drug between normal and infected person.
  • (ii) From infected mother to an infant thorught milk.
  • (iii) Through sexual contact with a person infected with HIV.
  • Preventing measures that can be taken to prevent spread of AIDS are -

  • (i) Do not share syringes or needles.
  • (ii) Avoid receiviing infected blood during transfusion.
  • (iii) Use sterilised surgical instruments.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Bleeding in women in about 28 to 30 days is


    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    _______ are addictive, once you will take it you will feel like taking it again and again, drugs harm our body in long run by ruining health and happiness.

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    How can AIDS transmitted from one person to another?

    Right Option : D
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