
Combustion and Flame I - Concepts
Class - 8th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation


A flame is a region where combustion of fuel takes place.

Substances which vapourise during burning produce flames. E.g. kerosene, wax etc. Substances which do not vapourise during burning do not produce flames. E.g. coal, charcoal etc. The colour of flame depends on: Temperature, amount of air available, nature of the substance burning.

      Luminous Flame

        Non Luminous Flame

  1. Give yellow flame

      1.  Give blue color flame

   2. Emits lot of light

     2.  Emit very little light

   3. Observed when there is insufficient oxygen

      or incomplete combustion

      3. Observed when there is sufficient amount 

       oxygen available

   4. Temperature is less and leaves behind black  soot and other residue.

    4. Leave no residues behind

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Wood and charcoal are substances that do not vaporise, but still burn,___________.

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Non luminous flame undergoes _____________________ combustion.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Non Luminous flame leaves _________ residue behind.


Right Option : D
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