
Concept Explanation


Water: it is a vital renewable natural resource. Three- fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water. It is therefore appropriately called the ‘water planet’. The oceans cover two- thirds of the earth’s surface and support a rich variety of plant and animal life. The oceans water is however saline and not fit for human consumption. Only 1 per cent of freshwater is available and fit for human use. It is found as ground water, as surface water in rivers and lakes and as water vapors in the atmosphere.

·   Fresh water is the most precious substance on earth. Water can neither be added nor subtracted from the earth. Its total volume remains constant. Its abundance only seems to vary because it is in constant motion, cycling through the oceans, the air, the land and back again, through the processes of evaporation, preparation, precipitation and run- off.

·   This as you already know is referred to as the ‘water cycle’. Humans use huge amounts of water not only for drinking and washing but also in the process of production. Water for agriculture, industries, generating electricity through reservoirs of dams is the other usages. India has abundant water resources.

·   Yet large parts of the country suffer from severe water scarcity. This is because water resources are unequally distributed in India, both normally and spatially. The rivers of Deccan and the south are seasonal rivers that depend on the monsoons for their water. They flood during monsoons, and have hardly any water during hot summer months.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

What is the percentage of usable water for human consumption?

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Out of the total fresh water available, nearly  _______  is in the form of "ice" and is found in glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, mountain regions, etc.

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The total Earth's surface cover with water is about _________________________

Right Option : C
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