Express Decimal as Percentage

Concept Explanation

Express Decimal as Percentage

Express Decimal as Percentage: We have two methods to express Decimal as Percentage :

We will follow the following steps for converting a decimal into a percentage:

Step I: Obtain the number in decimal form.

Step II: Multiply the number in decimal form by 100 and put percent sign (%)

Method 1: To express a decimal as percentage we multiply it with 100.

Illustration 1: Express 0.04 as percentage.

= 0.04 X 100 = 4%

Illustration 2: Express 23.46 as percentage.

= 23.46 X 100 = 2346%

Method 2:  To convert a given decimal into a percent, we move the decimal point on the right side by two digits and put the percent sign %.

Illustration 1: Express 0.35 to percent

Move the decimal point two places to the right: 0.35 → 3.5 → 35%

Answer 0.35 = 35%

Illustration 2: Express 0.122 to percent

Move the decimal point two places to the right: 0.122 → 1.22 → 12.2%

Answer  0.122 = 12.2% 

Illustration 3: Express 0.456 to percent

Move the decimal point two places to the right: 0.456 → 4.56 → 45.6%

Answer  0.456 = 45.6%                               

Sample Questions
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