Construction of Quadrilateral when length of two adjacent sides and three angles are given

Concept Explanation

Construction of Quadrilateral when length of two adjacent sides and three angles are given

Construction of Quadrilateral when length of two adjacent sides and three angles are given: Here we will construct a quadrilateral when two sides adjacent to each other are give and three angles are given to us. First we draw a rough sketch and will then follow the steps

Step 1: Construct a line AB of the length given to us.

Step 2: With the help of a protactor Draw an angleXAB equal to

the measure given to us. We have assumed the angle to be 75 degree.

Step 3: With the help of a protactor Draw an angleABY equal

to the measure given to us. We have assumed the angle to be 115 degree.

Step 4: With B as centre and radius equal the length of BC

draw an arc on BY and mark it as C

Step 5: With the help of a protactor Draw an angleBCZ equal

to the measure given to us. We have assumed the angle to be 85 degree.

The line CZ intersect at line AX at point D.

Step 6: ABCD is the reqiured Quadrilateral

Illustration:  Construct a quadrilateral ABCD, where AB = 3.5 cm, BC = 6.5 cm, angle A=75^{circ}, angle B=105^{circ} and angle C=120^{circ}.

Solution:  Let  us draw a rough sketch of the quadrilateral and write down the given data as shown below:

We now follow following steps to construct the required quadrialteral.

Steps of Construction;

Step 1:  Draw AB = 3.5 cm.

Step 2:  Draw angle XAB=75^{circ} at A

Step 3: Draw angle ABY=105^{circ} at B.

Step 4:  With B as centre and radius BC = 6.5 cm, draw an arc to intersect BY at C.

Step 5:  At C draw angle BCZ=120^{circ}  such that CZ meets AX at D.

ABCD is the required quadrilateral.

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