Electrical Conductivity

Concept Explanation

Electrical Conductivity

Electrical Conductivity:

The measure of the ability of a substance to allow the flow of an electric current is called electrical conductivity. In simple words we say that electric conductivity is the ability of the substance to conduct electricity. For example :  Substances that are good conductors (metals) have high electrical conductivity as compared to substances that are poor conductors (i.e. insulators). Some liquids, but not all, are good conductors. 

Basics of Electrical Conductivity : 

It is the ratio of current density to the electrical field strength. Also, the greater the value of the  conductivity, the lower the resistance it provides to the flow of electric current. Moreover, the value of electrical conductivity depends on the ability of electrons or other charge carriers for example holes to move within the lattice of the material. 

Conductivity Formula :

The conductivity formula is the inverse of the resistivity that is :

           sigma ;=;frac{1}{rho }

sigma = refers to electrical conductivity

rho = refers to resistivity

Conductivity Unit:

The conductivity unit is Siemens per meter(Sm^-^1) . Also referred to as mho.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Conductivity increases in the order of :

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Unit of conductivity is Siemens per meter(Sm^-^1)

(b) Unit of conductivity is mho.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

_________________ refers to electrical conductivity.

Right Option : A
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