Uses of Electrolysis

Concept Explanation

Uses of Electrolysis

Uses of Electrolysis:

The process of electrolysis has many important industrial applications:

1.  Electrolysis is used in industry for the production of many metals and non-metals (e.g., aluminium, magnesium, chlorine, and fluorine).

2.  Electrolysis is used in the refining of impure metals. This method, called electro refining, can be used to purify metals like copper, gold and silver.

3. Electrolysis is used to determine the equivalent weight of substance. 

4. It is also used in the a manufacture of pure gas.

5. Used in the manufacture of compounds like sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, potassium chlorate etc.

6.  Electrolysis is commonly employed for coating one metal with another. The method of coating one metal with another using an electric current is called electroplating.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Copper electrode:

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Which among the following is not used for electroplating metal articles. This one is _______________

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

According to Faraday's law of electrolysis, the amount of decomposition is proportional to ________________

Right Option : B
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