Construction of Line Segment

Concept Explanation

Construction of Line Segment

Construction of Line Segment: To construct a line segment of given length. There can be two situations

Case I : To draw a line segment of a given length.

Steps of Construction:

Step I: To draw a line segment  of any length.
Step II : Take a compass

Step III : Take a scale.

Step IV : Place the pointer edge on the 0 of the scale and the pencil edge at the requitred point.

Step V : Take any point on the line segment as X
Step VI: Place the pointer edge at point X and  mark an arc at line segment with the pencil edge intersecting the line segment at Y. XY is the reguired line segment.

Case II: To draw a line segment equal to a given line segment.

Steps of Construction: We are given a line segment PQ we have to draw a line segment XY equal to the length of PQ.

Step I: To draw a line segment  of any length.
Step II : Take a compass. Place the pointer edge of the point P of the given line segment. Open the compass and place the pencil edge at point Q of the given line segment.
Step III: Take any point on the line segment as X

Step IV: Place the pointer edge at point X and  mark an arc at line segment with the pencil edge intersecting the line segment at Y.

  XY is the reguired line segment.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

If we bisect AB = 18 cm, then what will be the length of each part ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Following are steps while constructing a line segment of length 5 cm using ruler. Which of the following steps is INCORRECT ?

  • Step 1 : First mark a point P on paper.
  • Step 2 : Place a ruler in such a way that its zero point coincide with point P.
  • Step 3 : Draw a line from the point P of the measure of 4.5 cm on the ruler.
  • Step 4 : Now, name the end point as R.
  • Step 5 : PQ is the required line segment.
Right Option : C
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Question : 3

How many lines can be drawn which are perpendicular to a given and pass through a point laying on the line ?

Right Option : A
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