
Class - 8th ISO Subjects
Everything You need to know

Biology is the branch of science that deals with life and living organisms. The main objective of Biology is to understand the various processes taking place inside any living organism. It includes the formation of cells, composition of cells and formation of tissues. It also reflects on the changes occurring in human body. It depicts how the living and non living components interact with each other.

Here we will cover the various topics regarding Biology for Class 8. The concepts that are mastered in the lower classes help us to crack many entrance examinations like NEET, AIIMS, AIPMT, UPSC etc. At ABHYASONLINE.IN you can master the concepts at your own learning pace. It provides conceptual testing with analytical reports identifying the weak, moderate and strong concepts. We, at ABHYASONLINE.IN believe that, if the weak concepts are timely identified and improved, then every student can achieve their goals in life. Follow the links below to understand and master each and every concept of various topics in Biology along with video lectures.


Explore Chapters


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Cell

- Discovery of Cell

- Difference between Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms

- Shape of Cell

- Size of Cell

- Cell Structure

- Plasma Membrane or Cell Membrane

- Cell Wall

- Cytoplasm

- Function of Nucleus

- Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

- Cell Organelle

- Endoplasmic Reticulum

- Ribosomes

- Mitochondria

- Golgi body

- Plastids

- Lysosomes

- Vacuoles

- Plant Cell and Animal Cell

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Cell - Structure and Functions]
Cell - Structure and Functions
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Adolescence and puberty

- Changes in Human Body

- Endocrine System

- Reproductive Health

- Hygiene

- Physical Activity or Exercise

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Reaching The Age of Adolescence I]
Reaching The Age of Adolescence I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Sexual Development

- Hormones and their role in the body

- Determination of Sex

- Drug abuse and AIDS

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Reaching The Age of Adolescence II]
Reaching The Age of Adolescence II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Asexual Reproduction

- Binary Fission

- Budding

- Sexual Reproduction

- Human Reproductive System

- Male Reproductive System

- Female Reproductive System -

- Fertilization

- Changes After Fertilization -

- Reproduction And Its Importance

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Reproduction I]
Reproduction I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Family Planning

- Metamorphosis in Frog and Butterfly

- Contraception

- Sexually Transmitted Diseases

- Oviparous and Viviparous Animals

- In Vitro Fertilisation -IVF

- Structure of Gametes

- Types of Fertilisation

- Cloning And Dolly Sheep

- Difference Between Zygote, Embryo And Fetus

- Internal Fertilisation In Hen

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Reproduction II]
Reproduction II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Agriculture and its types

- Agricultural Practises and Implements

- Soil Preparation

- Selection and Sowing of Seeds

- Seed Drill

- Transplantation of Seeds

- Methods of Weed Control

- Manure and Fertilizers

- Judicious use of Fertilizers

- Sustainable agriculture

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Crop Production and Management I]
Crop Production and Management I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Irrigation For Better Crop

- Preventive and Control Measures for Crop

- Harvesting Threshing and Winnowing

- Scientific storage of Grain

- Methods of Crop Improvement

- Kharif Crops

- Rabi Crop

- Plant Breeding

- Crop Rotation

- Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation

- Importance of Animal Husbandry

- Poultry farming

- Eggs

- Fish farming

- Fish as a source of food

- Advantages of bee-keeping

- Uses of Honey

- Management of Crop Production

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Crop Production and Management II]
Crop Production and Management II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Microscope

- Micro-organisms and Its Types -

- Bacteria in Micro Organism

- Protozoa in Micro Organism

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Micro Organism I]
Micro Organism I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Fungi in Micro Organism

- Algae in Micro Organism

- Virus in Micro Organism

- Commercial Use

- Medicinal Use

- Agricultural Use

- Environmental Use

- Advantages and Disadvantages of Micro-organisms

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Micro Organism II]
Micro Organism II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Harmful Micro Organism

- Diseases

- Malaria

- Cholera

- Typhoid

- Tuberculosis

- Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Air

- Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Food and Water

- Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Vectors

- Microorganisms and Food Spoilage

- Food Preservation

- Jaundice -

- Spreading of Communicable Disease

- Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Body Fluids

- Diarrhoea -

- Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Contact

- General Prevention of Infectious Diseases

- Prevention of Infectious Diseases

- Treatment of Infectious Diseases -

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Micro Organism III]
Micro Organism III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Forest

- Conservation of Forest

- Domestic Consequences of Deforestation

- Global Consequences of Deforestation

- Conservation of Forests and Wildlife

- Ecosystem

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Conservation of Plants and Animals I]
Conservation of Plants and Animals I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Wildlife Sanctuary

- Migration of Wild Life

- Ways to improve the environment

- Aims of Conservation

- Biosphere Reserves

- National Parks

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Biology [Conservation of Plants and Animals II]
Conservation of Plants and Animals II
10 / 10
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Students / Parents Reviews [20]