Changes in Human Body

Concept Explanation

Changes in Human Body

Change at Puberty: During puberty the following changes occur :

1. Increase in height:  The most dramatic and visible change is the sudden increase in height and weight at the onset of the puberty period. There are changes that occur in the body proportions. The arms and legs grow faster than the rest of the body.

2. Change in the size of heart and lungs:  The diameter of the heart increases by half and the weight almost doubles itself. There is an increase in size and capacity of lungs too.

3. Change in body shape: Boys generally have larger bones, more muscles, larger heart and lungs as compared to girls. Boys also have broad shoulders and narrow hips while the girls have curvaceous body and broader hips due to the enlargement of pelvic bones.

4. Change in voice: larynx also known as the voice box is present in the throat. It is a tube- shaped piece of cartilage. The larynx is what gives you your pitch of voice. When the larynx grows larger during puberty, it protrudes out in front of the throat. This is called and Adam’s apple. Larynx grows more in boys than girls. That is why, boys show Adam’s apple in front of the neck.

For girls , the larynx also grows bigger but not as much as in boys. It means there is no Adam's apple in a women's neck . Generally , girls have a hight pitched voice whereas the voice in boys is deep. Sometimes, the muscles of the growing voice box go out of control and voice becomes hoarse.



Increase activity of sweat glands: The sweat glands of the body develop fully during puberty and there is an increased secretion of sweat. Acne and pimples are common among adolescents . Another thing that comes with puberty is acne. The increased secretion of sebum from sebaceous glands makes the skin oiler.

Question: Why the height of an individuals is more or less similar to their mother or father or other family members?

Solution: The height of an individual depends on the genes inherited from parents. Genes provides instruction for making proteins and proteins determine the structure and function of each cell in the body. Genes are responsible for all the characteristics one inherits. But through genetic help determines character, environmental influence have a considerable impact on shaping an individuals physical appearance and personality. So really, the way one's body looks and functions is a combination of genes and environment.

Development of Sex organs :

Through reproductive organs are present in infant stage, but they reach maturity and complete development during puberty. During this period the male sex organs. like tests and penis develop completely. Also, the tests begin to produce sperm. In girls, the ovaries enlarge and eggs begin to mature. Also, ovaries start releasing matured eggs.

Reaching Mental, Intellectual and Emotional Maturity:  During puberty, a child goes through many mental and emotional changes. You might feel confused or have strong emotions that you have never had before. Intellectual development also occurs during adolescence to transform the individual from a child to adult. In fact, it is the time in one's life when the brain has the greatest capacity for learning.  Hence during puberty-

(i) There is mental growth of an individual.  Individual is able to think in a more flexible and a logical way. The ability to see other's point of view, exploring ideas, developing concepts and memory skills improve.

(ii) There is an emotional growth. The individual is happy at one moment and the very next moment their mood changes.

(iii) There is a social growth. It includes developing a personal identity accepting oneself, developing independence and preparing for a career. Sometimes, it is hard to deal with all these new emotions. But it is necessary for you to know that while your body is adjusting to the new hormones, so is your mind.       

Secondary Sexual Characters :

It is marked by the growth of thick hair in the armpits and public area. In males, facial hair begins to grow. The vocal cords become wide. Therefore, the voice begins to deepen.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Menarche is phenomenon in _______________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

_________________ changes occurs during puberty.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Voice changes during puberty because ________________ .

Right Option : A
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