Variation of Pressure in Liquids with depth

Concept Explanation

Variation of Pressure in Liquids with depth

Variation Of Pressure In Liquids With Depth: When we swim in a river, we feel the water pressure acting against our eardrums. The deeper we swim, the greater the pressure. The cause of this pressure is the weight of the fluid, water  plus air directly above us. As we swim deeper, there is more water above us. Therefore, there is more pressure. If we swim twice as deep, there is twice the weight of water above us, so the water's contribution to the pressure felt by us is doubled. The pressure due to a liquid also depends upon its density.

Activity: To understand the pressure exerted by water.

Aim: To prove that liquids exert pressure.

Materials Required: A glass test tube with open ends, balloon with water.

Procedure: Tie a balloon to the lower end of the test tube. Hold the tube vertically and pour some water into it. You will observe that the rubber membrane of balloon bulges out. Now add more water. The rubber membrane bulges more. Again, if you pour more water in the test tube the rubber membrane bulges more.

Conclusion: So, this concludes that pressure exerted by a liquid increases with the height of the liquid column.

Pressure at a depth in a liquid depends upon two factors:

  • The height of the liquid column: The greater the height, the greater the pressure.
  • The density of the liquid: The greater the density, the greater the pressure.
  • The depth of liquid  : The depth of liquid increases, the weight of liquid column pushing down from above increases, and the pressure also increases.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) The greater the height, the greater the pressure.

    (b) The greater the height, the smaller the pressure.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    The depth of liquid increases, the weight of liquid column pushing down from above increases, and the pressure _________________________.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    The greater the height, the _______________________ the pressure.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation

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